The whole system is guilty for Deah, Yusor and Razan’s murder

My heart breaks a little every time I look at these three shining, beautiful faces.

The lives of these three young people, who were pillars of their communities, were taken far too soon due to a culture that tolerates and one could argue even embraces/encourages – straight hate, targeted violence and white supremacy against arabs, muslims and Black lives/people of color.

hick Cold blooded killer Chris Hicks is not solely guilty in this heinous act, which has exposed the structures which allowed it to happen (is it a coincidence this happened so soon after the racist, top selling, violent movie American Sniper that glorified, and made it fashionable to kill Arabs/Muslims?).

While the media continues with their disgraceful coverage, without an ounce of fact finding, truth checking or outrage at this blatant double standard there is when Arabs or Muslim lives are so viscously taken–one can’t help but notice a pattern of in that respect, to the coverage of police killings of Mike Brown and Eric Garner.

As if/in case (& does anyone) actually believe this vicious cold blooded, pre-meditated murder was over a parking dispute–see the following article, which proves beyond a reasonable doubt this harassment was ongoing and a hate crime: Deah and Yusor didn’t even have a car. “On the day of the murders, Deah had just returned by bus. The only one with a car was the younger sister Razan, who had already parked earlier in the day. The point being: There was no ‘parking dispute’ in close proximity to the actual murders.” Not to even mention his ongoing harassment of the couple, and his countless anti-Islam/religion rants which have been widely documented.

Of all the sick and twisted coverage, Inside Edition takes the cake and epitomizes how demented this media culture has become. With a straight face, clearly without a trace of a conscious – they did a segment about the violent incident – followed up with a ‘how to’ guide on finding parking!

Most apparently, what should be on clear display for anyone paying the least bit of attention to the glaring hypocrisy of the injustice system + police/investigators. Almost as destructive as the crime itself, is the lack of outrage displayed by the news/media coverage (and lack thereof, real journalism). A sure sign of the times we are living in…

Take Action Against Zionist Hate Bombs, Set to Drop in NYC This Week

Ad Calling Jihad ‘Savage’ Is Set to Appear in Subways in NY and DC …

New York times reported last week that “New Yorkers will soon encounter another potentially inflammatory rendering of Islam: an advertisement in the transit system” that reads:

For those that know the extreme hate, power and unlimited access to funds the right wing has access to in the US, it came as little surprise that the same folks that brought us the trashy little trailer last week, are seeking to pour more fuel onto the open wound of Muslims worldwide.

As more evidence was revealed about the right wing extremist zionist group that released the no-quality, juvenile trailer mocking the Prophet Muhammad, it became clear that the same network, or as Max Blumenthal calls them the “axis of Islamophobia, that takes inspiration from the writings of Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, and Daniel Pipes.” was responsible.

Free speech or Hate speech

The NY Times article further cited the first amendment, as justification in running the ads:

After rejecting the ads initially, then losing a federal court ruling on First Amendment grounds, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority said on Tuesday that the ads were expected to appear next week at 10 subway stations. “Our hands are tied,” Aaron Donovan, a spokesman for the New York Transit Authority, said they will honor “the First Amendment rights of the group that sought to place the ad, the American Freedom Defense Initiative. The authority had cited the ad’s “demeaning” language in barring its placement.”

Meanwhile, the blatant display of hate, comes ironically at the height of the fight against US citizens-being stripped away of their civil rights, by President Obama and the US government who defend – “its ability to indefinitely detain any person without charge or trial.” As reported last week, in an article titled Obama Fights to Continue Indefinite Detentions, NDAA a lawsuit against the law that was signed by Obama,“was filed by a large group of journalists and activists, spearheaded by journalist Chris Hedges, who argued that the law was unconstitutional and a threat to free speech. What’s most important for American’s to take note of with this overwhelming display of hypocrisy by policy makers, is what they really mean by ‘freedom of speech’ – and that is, reserved for zionists only.

The New York Times article, also reported that the ads are due to appear in Washington DC – in the near future:

The American Freedom Defense Initiative has also purchased ad space in Washington, but the transit authority there said Tuesday that it had “deferred” the ad’s placement “out of a concern for public safety, given current world events.”

Muneer Awad, the executive director of the New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said:

The ads were an attempt to “define Muslims” through hate speech. The group had not called for the ads’ removal, though it has asked the transportation authority to redirect funds it receives for the ads to the city’s Human Rights Commission. “It’s perfectly legal to be a bigot and to be a racist,” he said. “We want to make sure there’s a counter-voice.”

The transportation authority has said it did not try to block these ads “because they did not meet the agency’s threshold for “demeaning” language”, please let them know if you disagree with their definition of demeaning, and its reflection on the transit system itself. We must fight back against this blatant hate mongering paid in full by the right wing fringe, lunatics – sanctioned by the state. New York City is one of the most diverse cities in the US, if not world. If this precedent is set in one of the most metropolitan, open societies such as New York, the only question is, who’s next?

Take Action: Call New York Transit Authority to redirect ad funds to Human Rights Commission

From within New York dial 511 to reach the New York State transit authority then simply say, MTA or Subways and Buses. Deaf/hard of hearing customers: use your preferred relay service provider or the free 711 service relay to reach 511. To send an email/message, click here.

Out of region and international callers – call the corporate office at: 212-878-7000 or 877-690-5116; M-F 9AM-5 PM.

In Washington DC the number to reach the Transit Authority and leave your suggestions and comments is: 202-637-1328; M-F: 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Some quotes ‘available for publication’, that can also be used as talking points, thanks to IMEU:

ZEAD RAMADAN, President of the board of directors for the Council on American Islamic Relations of New York (CAIR-NY):

‘”Savage” is a racist term. It’s a pity New Yorkers have to look at this offensive ad. We call on the MTA to create a policy rejecting racist and hateful ads, and hope they’ll use the profits made from this one to fund ads promoting respect for all.’

REZA ASLAN, New York-based member of the Council on Foreign Relations, founder of, and author of the international best-seller No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam:

‘Pamela Geller’s organization, “Stop Islamization of America,” has been designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group. Imagine if the KKK were to place ads on New York subways promoting their hateful ideology. The topic of the ads would be irrelevant. The mere identity of the organization paying for them would be enough for Americans to decry them.’

LINDA SARSOUR, Director of the Arab American Association of New York and the National Advocacy Director for the National Network for Arab-American Communities (NNAAC):

‘It’s ironic that the charge that Muslims are uncivilized is coming from a woman who is hiding behind freedom of speech to promote hate in an uncivilized manner.’

REBECCA VILKOMERSON, New York-based Executive Director of Jewish Voice for Peace:

‘As Jews, we remember our own history of facing discrimination and oppression based on religious status and thus feel doubly obligated to speak out against the vile bigotry and hate displayed in these ads. Pam Geller’s cynical targeting of an entire religious community to drum up support for Israel is particularly noxious, but does helpfully reveal the links between Islamophobia and unconditional support for Israel.’

REMI KANAZI, Brooklyn-based Palestinian-American poet and author of Poetic Injustice: Writings on Resistance and Palestine, and editor of Poets for Palestine:

‘Sadly, the offensive anti-Palestinian bus ads and the “savage” discourse is the same type of racist language that was used to defend slavery in our country and apartheid in South Africa. While the modern world wakes up to Israel’s increasingly violent and illegal occupation, hate groups, like the one producing these bus ads, are at the forefront of defending a system that dehumanizes millions of Palestinians who simply want to live a dignified life, as anyone else would.’

YOUSEF MUNAYYER, Executive Director of the Jerusalem Fund and the Palestine Center in Washington DC:

‘At a moment when understanding is needed to calm tensions, Pam Geller chooses yet again to throw fuel on the fire. Geller, like other extremists peddling a divisive Manichean worldview, wants to convince Americans that we are locked in an all-out, winner-take-all war with 1.5 billion co-inhabitants of this planet. Geller’s views, and the views of others who share them, should be relegated to the trash bin of society.’

Ad Calling Jihad ‘Savage’ Is Set to Appear in Subway by Matt Flegenheimer: September 18, 2012